Last Friday, May 2 2008, I have experienced new method of testing floor deformation which was cause by forklift maneuvers. In mechanical engineering, this test is called Abrasion Test. Abrasion test is the measurement of abrasion resistance, usually by the weighing of a material sample before and after subjecting it to a known abrasive stress throughout a known time period, or by reflectance or surface finish comparisons, or by dimensional comparisons.
The abrasion test was carried out in a new factory building which was built in industrial estate in Tamworth, Birmingham. This factory was built in 10 acre plot area for storing imported goods from Asia countries like China, Taiwan, Malaysia, Singapore and India. As a depot for storing goods therefore the usage of forklift is very crucial.
In this test, the maneuvers of the forklift has been simulated by the rotated mass (40kg) machine designed by Dr. Maasood, member of Aston University. This machine has been ran over four different location, selected by McLaren Contractor (Mr. Henry). At the end of this test, the strength of the floor can be predicted.d